Jansen Capital Management invites you to take part in the Certification Course
The course provides access to the Thomas International automated personnel assessment platform for generating the 360-Degree Feedback report.
The training will allow you to:
• Master the step-by-step methodology for generating the 360-Degree Feedback report;
• To master the skills of analysis of completed reports using real cases as an example;
• Brush up on your practical skills for providing feedback;
• Based on the coaching technique, to work out in practice the elaboration of an individual development plan for the evaluated employee;
• Get access to the Library of competencies and behavioral markers in the Thomas System;
• Develop practical skills of intelligent selection of competency cards corresponding to the evaluated position;
• Learn to determine team roles within the company team according to the theory of Raymond Belbin;
• Form an ideal team profile; and
• Form effective teams based on the results of the Team Audit report.